Monday, June 11, 2007

From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…

Original: From the “Publisher” of Casey’s Foreclosure Book…

Good morning!

I’m almost an early riser™ today.

After I went to bed yesterday afternoon, I had a dream in which I had voluminous posts saying that what my publisher wrote was to™ long an meandering. So when I got up this morning, I emailed my publisher and asked if he could whittle it down a bit. Here is his reply:

“Dear Casey,

After further reflexion™ I have desided™ that maybe my explanashun™ wuz™ to™ long. If you promise not too™ change anythings™ I have maid™ a shorter post:

Too™ all. I am a profesional™ publishr™. I have many experience in eding™ and pulibshing™ fine books. Casey present™ a very comeling™ storee™ that will have readres™ interesting™ to read. I am took™ a very bg and substantial risk, but Casey is brite™ and kind. He might not be a regular W-2 guy and maybey™ will end up in jail so I must hurry.

In the forwerd™ (got it rite™ this time!) you will hear about why to buy the book and enjoy it well. My vast experiens™ in the high presure worlds of publisment is very lare and good. You have made me mad buy™ suggesting I dont™ not no™ how to right™ nor edit™. I am profession in this guilds.
A pox on you if you will not think the wrigtings™ flowing and delicious! May your village become covered in rat-dropping encrusted voclanic ash mixed with the sputum of wild boars!!

I give you good writings to enjoy by thi sfall!


J. Woodward Hubbington Esq.”

So that’s it. I hope you now have a better understanding of the professional capabilities that I am linked with. I am sure that this little sampling is only a tase of what is to come this fall.

Stay tuned.