Good Morning everyone,
I am not an early riser today™ (Thanks for the quote, Julian).
Wow. What an evening! I feel so blessed™ that so many of you spent your valuable time™ to be in on the first of my calls.
I want to address some issues that have come up and I want to let you know about some things that I have only been able to alude™ too™.
OK, The ticket thing. If any of you have owned a Jetta, you will be aware of this, but for those of you who don’t, I will tell you to™. The accelerator on a Jetta is a very sensitive devise™. The slightest touch and vroom! off you go. I was driving to an omportant business meeting™ with some potential business partners™ when I suddenly saw the CHP red lights in my mirror. As I looked down, I saw that I was driving in excess of 100mph!
It was my sucky day that the CHP officer only wrote me up for 90 (sweet™!). I tried to explain that it was 4:57 pm and I had to get my short sale™ packet delivered to the lender by 5:00 pm and that I was still making notes on my PDA™ to upload and then print at the lender’s office (about 20 miles away in Davis), but he wouldn’t listen.
I don’t know how much the ticket will cost, but I will be extra alert™ for the mail n about 7 to 10 days when it should arrive. I have spoken to a hard money lender™ about the possibility of either bird dogging some sweet RE deals™ for him or maybe setting up and organizing his filing system in lieu of his makin the payment of my ticket. We will have to wait and see.
Unfortunately it was well past 6:30 by the time I arrived at the lender’s office (I should have downloaded directions before I left) and for some strange reason the office was closed. I left the short sale package outside the door and I hope they found it and will respond favorably™.
The potential business opportunity in the Simi Valley did not pan out. It turn out that what the business was invlved in was to me unethical. It involved an adult oriented prduct and I cannot condone that.
The Utah payment is still missing despite my many and diligent efforts™ to locate it. I can say with 100% certainty that it is not under a cushion in the couch. Next place to look will be later this week in the mail. (Note to self, G’s™ sister is getting a little preturbed about the size of the pile - it is now roughly the size of my desk in the office). I will have to re-sort the prioritized piles as many of the overnight and certified mail packages that have arrived in the past 6 weeks should probably be moved down from “urgent open immediately” to the more mundane “open at leisure” status.
Many of you have asked what it is that I do all day long. I will answer that one directly. I spend my days making important business contacts™ that I can use to leverage™ my time to get involved with more sweet deals™. I think the single most important capacity that any successful business person™ has is the ability to contact any one of a number of professionals inside their network™. I feel that as the number of contacts and professionals that I have cultivated in my network™ grows, my probability of success™ also increases.
As for those of you who have asked about book deals, there actually have been 3 presented so far. Too™ of them appear quite lucrative (from skmmin the first page of the lengthy contracts) and one did not seem to mention any compensation (at least by the middle pf page 2 of 19). The only problem I see in this is selecting a suitable ghost writer (I am to™ busy working on my RE career to dedicate enough quality time to do the writing on my own) that can capture the unique and high energy qualities of my personality.
I have been scanning the classifieds in the SacBee for 2 and a half days and have not yet found an adequately qualified ghost writer. Perhaps I can contact some of the highly qualified professionals™ I have developed in my network of qualified business contacts™ and see what they can “bring to the table” so too™ speak.
One last thing before I have to run around the block (I am still spotty on my physical futness regime™ so today will be doubles) I want to thank Time from MBA for his return. I have always valued your advise™ and I look forward to hearing more of your word to live buy™.
At any rate, if any of you readers care to transcribe the podcast I would be appreciative (for the reasons stated above I simply do not have the time to do it myself). I will be working on a solution to the missing second hour of the recording and will try very hard to get it linked up soon.
Stay tuned!